by Kevin Schroeder | 12:50 pm

Getting NetBeans connected to the Zend Developer Cloud is actually pretty simple…  if you have NetBeans 7.1 which is currently in RC.  NetBeans 7.0 has a bug that won’t allow you to connect to Git over HTTPS.  NetBeans 7.1 fixes that issue.  You will also need to make sure that you have the Git module installed.

Start by deploying one of the PHP applications from the DevCloud UI.

Then go to Team -> Git -> Clone and enter in your container details

Click Next and select the only branch available.

Click on Next and set up your local destination information.

Click on Finish and then you’ll get a dialog box like this

Make sure you think to yourself “why yes, I would like to create an IDE project from the cloned sources”.  Click on Create Project… and select PHP Application from Remote Server.


Click Next and then select the location where you want this project to be stored.  Select the version of PHP to be 5.3.

Click Next.  On the next screen you’ll need to set up a few things for the remote connection.  Click on Manage so you can set up the remote container.

The host name is the name of your container and the username is your container username.  Leave the password blank and instead select your private key for authentication.

The initial directory will take a little bit of work to find because you can’t browse for it.  Log in with an SFTP client using these same credentials and cd into the applications directory, which is actually a symbolic link.  In there navigate to the public document root and type ‘pwd’.  That will give you the deployment directory.

Click on OK which will bring you back to your remote configuration screen.

Enter in the project URL, which will also need to include the request URI for the application, select the remote connection and set the upload directory to the base directory.

Click on Next and NetBeans will then start to download all of the remote content onto your local machine.

Click on Finish and you’ll have your remote project on the DevCloud combined with the Git repository and you’re all set!






Hey Kevin,

Great post, thanks very much 🙂

I’ve taken the liberty to send this article on the netbeans php user list, and suggested to blog about it.Have you considered filing an enhancement at NetBeans to integrate Zend Cloud?

Dec 06.2011 | 08:37 pm


    @MaghielDijksman I have considered it, but have not had the time yet to research how to do that. Any suggestions on where to get started?

    Dec 06.2011 | 08:51 pm


thanks for the article, but i have an error when I tried to clone it… it fails and gives this error message.
“ 401 Authorization Required”
*here “netbeans_electro_id” this is the project name which i deployed in phpcloud.
please give me a solution for this .

Jan 18.2013 | 03:16 am


thanks a lot for the tutorial … i have an error where i create the remote connection. it says my private key is invalid.. i guess its because of it’s format my private key is in .ppk format so netbeans rejects it… can you please give me a solution how can i give the private key as you show in the above way?

Jan 18.2013 | 04:22 am


thanks a lot for your post, it’s really awesome.
I have a problem with phpcloud, I use netbeans IDE to develope me zend application. And i followed your post then i pushed my codings to the phpcloud. Though the project worked fine in my local host ,but it gives me page not found errors (404) in phpcloud and also my CSS files don’t work. can you please help me on this matter..

Jan 18.2013 | 10:51 am


    Sounds like the files were not actually pushed to the container. I would suggest that you contact support on the Get Satisfaction page for PHPCloud. I don’t work for Zend anymore and so they may have changed things since I last worked on it.

    Jan 18.2013 | 01:07 pm


      thanks a lot for response, i tried a lot but i don’t understand it, finally i tried zend studio, then i deployed the application to zend cloud, then only the index page was worked, i got the same page not found error when i calling the controller actions.. so is there any solution for this? or should i give up this zend cloud and move on to usual php application which runs on localhost? this is my final year project and i really appreciate your response, thank you.

      Jan 18.2013 | 01:13 pm


      another thing i used winSCP tool to also check whether the files were uploaded correctly, apparently the were fine 🙁

      Jan 18.2013 | 01:18 pm


      another thing i used winSCP tool to also check whether the files were uploaded correctly, apparently they were fine 🙁

      Jan 18.2013 | 01:18 pm

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