So, I just heard from my mastering engineer yesterday that he will be wrapping up work on my latest album, Loudness Wars. He says it’s a great album and I am tending to agree. here are some samples.
This album I am really proud of and so I really want to put some effort into promoting it. I will be doing some YouTube videos talking about the processes I used for each song as one thing. But one of the other things I want to do is I want to try and get some play time on local radio.
In light of that I am asking for your help. I am sure that you have a local radio station that has a time slot that might be open to playing it. For example, in DFW there is The Adventure Club on The Edge. So I am going to get a social media campaign going to enlist your help in getting me on the air!
I will be starting it up in a few weeks but in the mean time, if you have a local radio station that does indie music I would appreciate it if you put their Twitter or Facebook pages in the comments below. Then, when the album is ready to go, I’ll post again with some one-click messages so that you can tell them how much you want this album on the air.
I am REALLY looking forward to releasing this album and with a little help we can win one for the little guy! 🙂
Event Monitoring with Zend Server in the Zend Developer Cloud «
[…] Zend’s Product Evangelist – and kickin’ axe man – Kevin Schroeder recorded a screencast for those of us using In this short 2:49 video, Kevin shows how […]