Just by way of thanks, I would like to present to you panelists for the ZendCon 2012 Call for Papers advisory panel. They will be assisting me in determining which submissions get turned into sessions.
Please thank them for the hell I will put them through.
Maurice Kherlakian (mkherlakian) – Damn good Zend consultant, but someone needs to suggest a Twitter profile pic for him.
Ralph Schindler (ralphschindler) – Some dude who works on ZF
Joe Devon (joedevon) – Runs PHP in the land o’ Mickey Mouse
Chris Spruck (cspruck) – Has one of the nicest looking user group web pages I’ve seen
Stefan Koopmanschap (skoop) – Does work with PHP via sumphony or something like that.
I am sure they are open to being bribed. And if you run into them at ZendCon make sure to buy them a beer.
Any chance bribery can begin at tek in Chicago?
DevZone » ZendCon ’12 Call for Papers is Now Open!
[…] and congratulations to the ZendCon CfP Advisory Panel for […]