Taking a cue from TIOBE, where you can take Google search results and make them mean anything that you want them to, I decided that I was going to try an experiment and see if I could discern, from Google search results, how likely a programmer for a given language would engage in ass-hattery.
In short, this is the most important programming index you will ever see. And unlike many other indexes I will put my hastily concocted formula up front and center for your enjoyment and ridicule.
The formula is
(“Google search for ‘X rocks’ / “Google search for ‘X sucks’) * (language score sum / X language score)
I got Google results for PHP, Ruby On Rails, Java, Python, C, C++, Objective-C, C# and JavaScript. I took the language score from Lang Pop. The language popularity values for each of the programming languages is
PHP | Ruby On Rails | Java | Python | C | C++ | Objective-C | C# | JavaScript |
5591 | 667 | 6930 | 4240 | 9948 | 5584 | 352 | 429 | 1572 |
The sum of all of these is 35313.
To illustrate the formula the Python Programmer Ass-hattery score is 20.6387. “Python rocks” results are 11,300, “Python sucks” is 4560. So the formula would look like this. (11300 / 4560) * (35313 / 4240). Generally, the higher the score, the more likely you will want them to wear there ass as a hat.
The theory is that the louder one talks compared to their actual popularity the more likely they will engage in ass-hattery.
The results for the First Annual Report on Programmer Ass-hattery are:
It’s math so it can’t be wrong.
Comments proving ass-hattery will either be deleted or ridiculed. This was meant as fun (unlike some other indexes).
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