by Kevin Schroeder | 12:15 pm

Was doing some JMeter testing today when I got this error.

./jmeter -n -t ~/test.jmx 
Error in NonGUIDriver java.lang.NullPointerException

I had a JMX file that I copied to a remote server where JMeter was installed, and running before.  But this time when I ran it I got the exception.  Seeing that it was a GUi (or non-GUI) issue with no context I figured it was a GUI issue.

Turns out it was not.  The JMX file referenced a class kg.apc.jmeter.threads.SteppingThreadGroup which is part of the Extras Set at JMeter Plugins.  So despite the exception stating that the source of the exception was in the NonGUIDiver class the problem was that the Extras library was not installed.  I copied the jar file into lib/ext directory and the load test ran fine after that.



Thanks 🙂 It really helped.

Nov 09.2014 | 11:34 pm


>> I copied the jar file into lib/ext directory and the load test ran fine after that.

What exactly does that mean? Where is lib/ext directory one is supposed to put JMeterPlugins-Extras.jar ?

Nov 11.2014 | 10:13 am



for me it was 


Nov 11.2014 | 10:15 am


I heard about JMX file but I don’t know the exact working of JMX file. My friend had shared me some site, visit

Dec 10.2014 | 01:05 am


Exactly which file did you copy in that path??

Jan 22.2015 | 07:42 am

Kevin Schroeder

I copied all the jar files from the extras that I downloaded.

Jan 22.2015 | 07:43 am

Sarah Tommy

I had the same issue. the problem was the version of the Jmeter on the remote server was 2.6 and the one with which the .jmx file was created was 2.8. So i installed a lower version and recreated the .jmx file moved to the remote server and all was fine 😀

Aug 25.2015 | 02:31 am


I copied all jar files, I checked the version, still have issue! any other solution?

Jan 29.2016 | 04:10 pm


    After Extras jar file is downloaded, you need place in lib/ext folder. lib is the major folder where your library files(jar) are located. It solved the issue.

    Tell us what error you are getting.

    Jan 20.2017 | 01:10 pm


You mast go to you ApacheJmeter.jar directori in you cmd line. For example, “cd /home/apache-jmeter-5.0/bin”. And after this strart your JMX file. For example, jmeter -n -t /home/sergey/Order_to_home_authorization_test.jmx -l /home/sergey/file_test.jtl

Oct 17.2018 | 02:40 pm

Nikhil Kamboj

If we are executing the test from Blazemeter, where this jar file should be kept?

Nov 02.2018 | 12:42 am

    Kevin Schroeder

    I’m sorry, but I don’t know the answer to that. I would expect that Blazemeter would provide a better answer than I.

    Nov 02.2018 | 07:22 am

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