by Kevin Schroeder | 4:06 pm

I’ve been doing a lot testing with JMeter lately for Magento.  I really do like it (Magento and JMeter).  It may not be the bestest, most perfectest tool in the world, but a) it’s free, and b) it’s stupid easy to get complex tests running.  But sometimes it’s nice to have some templates available to get you started.

As an example, I’ve been doing some testing with Solr and layered navigation in Magento.  One of the things I wanted to try was to randomly select attributes.  Oftentimes testing is way too predictable and so some element of randomness might help induce unusual scenarios.

One of the things I would like to do more of is share some of these testing scenarios.  Obviously, given my work with Magento’s ECG I can’t share some of the more complex things I do but I don’t mind sharing some of the simpler things.

This is an example of that.  This test will go to a particular page, as defined under the User Defined Variables node on a given domain (also defined there) and pull out a random URL from the layered navigation pane.  It will then search the resulting page for another link to click.

I highly suggest using the JMeter Plugins Extras Set in conjunction with this.

Download Random Layered Navigation JMeter Test Script


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