I was recently informed of a bug in my turing test for comments on my site. It turned out that there was a problem that the bit addition scheme when working with IE. Since about 4% of my visitors are IE users it never really came up; until it did. 🙂
Anyways, the way I was doing the test before was with some basic bit shifting done in JavaScript like this
function mdfyBits(box)
el = document.getElementsByName("bits[]");
val = 0;
for (i in el) {
if (el[i].checked) {
val += 1 << el[i].value;
Even running IE in compatibility mode didn't fix it. Turns out that I guess IE doesn't like that. So I looked for a JQuery replacement and this is what I changed it to.
function mdfyBits(box)
el = $("input[name=bits[]]");
val = 0;
for (i in el) {
if (el[i].checked) {
val += 1 << el[i].value;
Works now. Dang browser compatibility.
Web Design Company India
Hey, thanks for this code, actually I was looking for it.