Zendcon is around the corner. I was at Adobe MAX last week and so I was debating whether or not I would stay the weekend in San Francisco. I'm not much of a night life person, or a partier. In fact, I usually prefer to work behind the scenes (kind of odd given my role next week). However, what I love to do is drive. Long, lonely highways or crazy windy roads. I love both. However, I live in Texas. We have plenty of long, lonely highways but nothing that's really crazy windy (as in wind-y). So, if I ever stay in San Francisco over a weekend I like to take my car out and drive some of the roads out here. There are some great roads in the bay area that feed the crazy, windy person in me.
So what I usually do is rent a nicer car and drive some of those roads. This time I had booked a full-size car, which is usually like an Impala or something like that, which is really a pretty decent car. I wouldn't buy one, but for a week-long rental for some decent driving it's OK. But this time I asked them if they had any sports cars available and they said they had a convertable Mustang and a Camero. The Mustang was a little out of the price range I wanted to pay, but the Camero was only $90 extra for the full week and a half. So, I thought about it… for about 2 seconds and said yes.
So I was waiting for it to be pulled around and I saw it. I'm not really a Camero guy, but ever since I saw Transformers I must admit that a yellow Camero does have a certain appeal. Thank you Michael Bay. So, imagine my glee when they pulled it around and I saw it.
I'm kind of a Ferrari guy, but, seriously, I drive a Honda Accord at home. I foresee this weekend to be full of all kinds of awesome.
Oh, and I intend to obey all posted signs and speed limits………..
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