How to save your Magento customers $10,000 a year with this simple trick
Just a quick post up here to help you out. I have a customer who is running their entire Magento operation on on AWS, using RDS as the database. It works quite well, actually.
Just a quick post up here to help you out. I have a customer who is running their entire Magento operation on on AWS, using RDS as the database. It works quite well, actually.
I am using the mongodb/mongodb library for a project of mine. The API seems fairly different from the old PECL library and it also came with some other, albeit unexpected, baggage. My understanding of the library
I updated my server this morning, moving from Zend Server PHP 5.3 to 5.6 but when I did I got a really weird error. The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [mysql_old_password]
Chris Dale recently posted a horrifying article on his blog. It is called “Why it’s easy being a hacker – A SQL injection case study“. The most horrifying part of the post was that
With the release that occurred on March 4th we have added Mongo support to the DevCloud. So connecting to a Mongo instance is extremely easy to do now. We don’t provide access to a