by Kevin Schroeder | 7:36 am

Looking for some PHP/Magento contract work

I am looking for some contract work for PHP and/or Magento. Magento 1 is where my primary focus lies, though I have done work on Magento 2 as well. In terms of the type

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by Kevin Schroeder | 6:14 pm

Reasons why Redis is a great option for a worker queue in Magento

Alan Kent asked on Twitter What is your personal favorite HA distributed queue technology? RabbitMQ? Kafka? Redis? ActiveMQ? Why? — Alan Kent (@akent99) February 4, 2015 You may know that I am partial to

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by Kevin Schroeder | 3:16 pm

Indexes are friends, not food

When I first got into Magento development, in my mind, there were two ways of getting data from the database.  You would either call Mage::getModel(‘catalog/product’)->load($id) or you would work with the collection.  If you wanted

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by Kevin Schroeder | 8:07 am

(New(ish)) Indexing in Magento or “The wonderful world of materialized views”

The Wonderful World of Materialized Views (or, Why Indexing in Magento 1.13 Is So Much Faster) When Magento Enterprise 1.13 came out it boasted massive improvement in index operation performance.  On the Magento blog

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by Kevin Schroeder | 12:52 pm

Realtime logging for Magento

There are a couple of things that animate me in PHP/Magento world.  The first is queuing.  I’ve written and spoken about that several times and do as much with it as possible.  The second

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