by Kevin Schroeder | 8:08 pm

Drawing floating columns/bars in Flot

Let me say first of all, that I mostly like Flot as a charting application. It provides a lot of charting functionality and is reasonably good looking. But sometimes it is a bit of

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by Kevin Schroeder | 4:17 pm

Webview orientation with Phonegap

I was having this really weird problem in PhoneGap where when the orientation would change the webview would not resize to fit the whole screen.  Turns out that the meta viewport tag was causing

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by Kevin Schroeder | 4:39 pm

Get viewport size width and height with javascript – Javascript – Blog / Andy Langtons Website

Get viewport size width and height with javascript – Javascript – Blog / Andy Langtons Website. This is a neat little snippet of JavaScript code to get the size of your viewport on a

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by Kevin Schroeder | 11:22 am

Transform performance on mobile applications

Just a quick one today.  I have read on several web pages that if you want to speed up the rendering of your site that you need to add -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0) to the page elements

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by Kevin Schroeder | 10:27 am

Handling clicks for mobile platforms [UPDATED]

I’ve been doing a lot of work in Phonegap lately and I really like it.  However, one of the things I don’t like is that click events are really, really slow.  There’s a reason

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