by Kevin Schroeder | 1:04 pm

I created a super simple SQS to HTTP worker in node.js queue for PHP

Node.js SQS to HTTP worker/daemon/background process Welcome to this silly little utility program. It provides an intermediary link between an SQS message queue and a backend HTTP system. It is very simple. All you

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by Kevin Schroeder | 4:56 pm

I created a super simple SQS to FastCGI broker for a worker queue in PHP

Node.js SQS to FastCGI worker/daemon/background process Welcome to this silly little utility program. It provides an intermediary link between an SQS message queue and a backend FastCGI system. It is very simple. All you

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by Kevin Schroeder | 11:11 am

Why MySQL is not a queue

I tweeted something a few days ago about queues and MySQL. MySQL is not a data queue. MySQL is not a data queue. MySQL is not a data queue. MySQL is not a data queue.

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