by Kevin Schroeder | 3:32 pm

Details on building a Flex-based dashboard with a PHP backend

Yesterday (June 1st) I wrote a blog post on how to set up an example application that I did for a webinar with Adobe and building a Flash based dashboard application (I would suggest

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by Kevin Schroeder | 5:59 pm

Building a Flex-based dashboard with a PHP backend

Today (June 1st) I got to give an online talk with Adobe on how to create a stunning analytics dashboard with Flex and PHP (recording here).  I’m a horrible graphic designer and so I

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by Kevin Schroeder | 7:55 am

Selling 12k tickets in 2 minutes

One of my little projects that I’ve been working on is an example where I wanted to build a system that would scale to be able selling 100k tickets in 5 minutes.  I’m happy

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by Kevin Schroeder | 8:21 am

Added (PHP 5.3) job queuing to my WordPress instance

One of the things I liked on my old blog was the ability to have a Popular Posts section that was based off of Google Analytics. I had also like that I was using

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