by Kevin Schroeder | 10:49 am

Zendcon 2012 CfP Advisory Panel

Just by way of thanks, I would like to present to you panelists for the ZendCon 2012 Call for Papers advisory panel.  They will be assisting me in determining which submissions get turned into

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by Kevin Schroeder | 8:39 am

ZendCon 2012 (or, how to get your talk accepted)

Well, planning for ZendCon has been underway for a while and we finally got our Call for Papers out the door!  We are following a similar process as we did last year.  We aren’t

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by Kevin Schroeder | 3:41 pm

ZendCon 2012 logo announced

… well, maybe. If half of the things I’m asking for get approved it’s going to be ggrrrrrrrrreat!

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by Kevin Schroeder | 2:49 pm

Music from ZendCon 2011

A couple of people have asked about the music from ZendCon.  Last year I had just written and released an independent album which you can get an Rhapsody, iTunes, CD Baby and a bunch of

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by Kevin Schroeder | 7:09 pm

ZendCon 2011 UnCon

If you were looking at the UnCon at ZendCon and wondering what, if anything, you should do, let me give you a couple of hints.  The UnCon is the place where people who either

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by Kevin Schroeder | 2:58 pm

ZendCon 2010 Podcasts

Earlier this year I started posting the recordings from ZendCon 2010 as podcasts.  Unfortunately, as often happens, my time started to get eaten up by a bunch of other activities and I ended up

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by Kevin Schroeder | 3:25 pm

ZendCon Badge WordPress plugin

If you are speaking at, attending, sponsoring or exhibiting at ZendCon this year I invite you to download and install the ZendCon Badge WordPress plugin.  It’s fun and super easy. Download the plugin from

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by Kevin Schroeder | 4:35 pm

ZendCon 2011 Call for Papers is out

The ZendCon call for papers is out… at least it will be tomorrow (Friday), officially. This year I have been placed in charge of the content portion of ZendCon.  In terms of the call

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by Kevin Schroeder | 11:50 am

Planning is underway for ZendCon

… and has been for a bit now. This year I get the distinct honor (???? 🙂 ) of being in charge of the content for ZendCon. And for those who are wondering, no

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