What do you spend your time on? What types of applications do you work on? I’m not so much curious about the frameworks you use, or your production environment. What you do, not what you use, is what I’m interested in. Do you build a blog, a CMS, an order entry system, a social media platform? What is it that you work on. If you are so inclined to share, please post a comment.
Henrique Mattos
I develop a CMS for small and mid-size business website.
Ron van der Molen
Currently im a core developer of our inhouse CMS, also for small and mid-size business websites. Besides that i develop e-commerce, survey, mass mailing applications.
Flávio Silveira
Nowdays I have worked in 2 projects. Both here in Brazil..
One of these is a guide of a city that include tips to movies, tips of where eat something cool, places, partys and tourism.
The other, is a ECommerce for retailers. It has the basic operations of a ecommerce and a system to calculate comission for the boss and the sellers.
This is it..
What do I work on using Zend Framework? Currently:
– A web game for a foundation for financial education
– My website (Well I work on that occasionally…)
– A portal system (not Zend_Application, but other parts of Zend)
– A quiz system that need to perform under heavy loads.
Keep up the good work, guys! 🙂
Actually, I’m interested in what you do in general, not just with ZF. But if you’re working with ZF, all the better. 🙂
I use ZF in lots of applications, like:
– In house developed drag&drop CMS
– In house developed drag&drop Newsletter CMS
– Webshop
– Touch screen work hour timer
– Complete ERP system
– Product configurator and ordering system
and so on… Curious if you guys have some nice new projects 🙂
Not specifically. Just trying to gather some info.
Oke 🙂 Don’t really use anything else anymore.
Mohammed Makhlouf
Currently me and 2 of my friends are building a social network app for a vertical-oriented user base. We are using & loving Zend Framework 🙂
Laurent Declercq
I use Zend to build:
A Project Management System (It’s CMS like but with few features that are more linked to project management such as a timeline, a bug tracker…)
A Multi Server Control Panel that must allow to manage many servers for hosting services.
Note: Sorry for my poor English, I’m French
Sean Prunka
Our crew works on installing and customizing wikis for our clients. We use MediaWiki as a base, but have written many custom skins, tag parsers, hooks and extensions. These custom add-ons being the bulk of our coding work for the wikis we deliver.
Bastien Koert
FT Job: developing security incident tracking software (classic ASP!!!! ew!)
PT: I have developed inventory systems, CMS components, HR applicant tracking systems (all in PHP! Yaaah!) Mostly in CodeIgniter or just plain old PHP. More light-weight than ZF.
Chris Renner
I build enterprise-scale web apps for the research administration functions of a large university medical center. Everything is home-grown, but I make extensive use of ZF components. Primary app is a back-office/customer portal app to minimize paper and create compliance/audit trails, and the other app is a training management/calendaring system.
Im in a 3-person dev team at a university. We’ve built a student record management system and and admissions system in-house using the Zend Framework.
Yeah! Me 2! I used ZF a lot! What country?
Hi rgm – nice to see we aren’t the only ones crazy enough to pull this off 🙂
I work at the University of the West Indies, which has campuses in Jamaica, Trinidad (where my dev team is based) and Barbados. Our applications are used for distance education and so are designed for use by students in many other countries within the Caribbean.
In case you’re interested, this is a public introduction section we made for our staff when we did an update last year:
Which country have you developed your app for?
German Aparicio
I developed web apps for a Design & Merchandising school, our web apps are for internal user support that run on an IBM Websphere ePortal. We use ZF components for all our web apps; we have developed management reports and table maintenances web apps. We are start looking on a Mass email system development.
I developed CMS. At the moment I’m busy with online music shop http://www.cdmarket.eu that runs on ZF.
Working on a wallet cross-platform and a file hosting site.
Ken Swift
Zf and Django
– e-commerce
– big social sites
– plus some custom applications like postgres migration tool :), agile project managment application
Zsolt Kunsagi
Time reserving apps (with JQuery):
http://kerekegy.hu/timebooking/ ,
Multi page questionarre
Facebook apps:
I combined with Silverlight in a music sheet recording app
Dennis Winter
– Inhouse Application
– Customer portal
– Code snippet manager (ZF, ExtJS, GPL licensed)
– CMS (ZF 2!, ExtJS, feature-planning, licensing TBA)
For Fun:
– Simple blog/portfolio application for own usage (ZF, jQuery)
Mario Awad
We build custom-made web applications… translation management systems, healthcare systems, accounting/stock management systems… we use ZF, Doctrine, and JQuery… checkout our portfolio here: http://www.softkube.com/portfolio
Chris Hartjes
I’m working for a social commerce startup (ZF, Doctrine2, jQuery)
Joel Clermont
My main focus these days is writing Zend Framework applications and customizing WordPress and Drupal through plugins. I have to say it’s a little disheartening to me to see all the comments in here of people writing “custom” or “in-house” CMSes. I say this as a developer who has inherited *dozens* of “in-house” CMSes with poor (or no) security practices in place, spartan documentation, no unit tests and very minimal functionality.
Not to start a flame war here, but why invest all the energy in building something proprietary when many excellent solutions already exist? Better to invest your energy into writing custom plugins or contributing back to an open source project than reinvent the wheel. No customer lock-in, lower development costs, wider talent pool when you need to hire people, and making the community better for everyone. I’ll step off my soap box now 🙂
Joel, I’ve actually been thinking the same thing. It hasn’t dis-heartened me… yet :-), but it is something that I’ve noticed.
Thijs Lensselink
Just started a new challenge. Working on a in-house build Framework/CMS. Which is quite a complex system for managing and publishing video and image related data in a variety of formats. The backend exists of a multi cluster filestore (partly written in PHP). That serves files based on geo location of the end user.
As a freelancer i do small / mid sized projects. Think of custom CMSes, tools for sys admins, WordPress and Magento modifications, etc.
Josh Butts
Thanks Josh, nice and descriptive 🙂
Thomas Lamy
For the last 10 months I built a shop from scratch (www.world-of-video.de).
This one’s my first Zend Framework project, and it became reallly big – much bigger than anticipated.
David Szymakowski
I develope websites for small businesses with a custom CMS.
Tiago Zis
I develope a small framework in Flex, study in Brasil and some times work in my blog http://ziscode.com.
Ah, saw this post when you published it on Twitter, forgot to come back to it >.< But now I'm here, so here goes. First, at work, (hope I'm not breaking any company rules :P):
– a big portal for (future) mothers, stuff about pregnancy, babies and whatnot. ZF based, includes it's own blogging platform, bulletin board, image/video galleries, different type of ads (both user and admin submitted), and all that regular "CMS"ey stuff. Not live yet tho, waiting for content (as always). All "modular", counting around 20+ different modules, all made to be able to work on it's own or mixed up with other modules as per need.
– 2 social websites, also zf based.
– an auction-like portal, online database for estates/vehicles/random stuff people lost on court. Of course, also zf based 😀
– other projects include wordpress, drupal, joomla customizations, facebook apps. smaller stuff is just wrapped up in spaghetti code 😛
Personal, currently only one, surprise, zf based 😀 http://phpplaneta.net/ (source is on github: https://github.com/robertbasic/phpplaneta) it's kind of a "localised" phpdeveloper.org for php related news and articles for Serbia and other nearby countries.
I’ve made a comet / WebSocket socket server in php that i use 4 a web based realtime chat app still have to figure out a way of stress testing a ws server ….
Since last year in my spare time I am writing an application for the management of the armory of the police department in my work: D.
ZF course
I hope to upload it as open source.
I build applications on flex with zend framework.