Why in the world would I do that? Because I really do like my music. And I want people to hear it. I would also like them to buy it and help cover the costs of what is a very time intensive process. As you may or may not know I wrote most of these pieces between the hours of 5 and 8 in the morning because I was, at the time, working a normal job. I’m still working a job but I’m now self-employed which means I have even less time.
But music is what I love most when it comes to things that I do. And I want other people to listen. So when CDBaby announced their integration with SoundCloud I decided to put all of my tracks there. Please make sure you like the tracks you like, comment and rate as much as possible.
So take a listen and see if you like it. Then go to my CDBaby pages for either Coronal Loop Safari or Loudness Wars and get yourself a copy!
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