by Kevin Schroeder | 2:49 pm

A couple of people have asked about the music from ZendCon.  Last year I had just written and released an independent album which you can get an Rhapsody, iTunes, CD Baby and a bunch of other places and Zend was nice enough to let me use them as the opening instrumentals.  This year I didn’t want to do the same thing and just play the tunes I had written last year so I had started working on some other tunes.  There were two pieces that I was working on but my regular job, plus ZendCon plus plus getting three foster kids put a massive strain on my time (not to mention my sanity and health.  I had Swimmer’s Ear, an outer ear infection, through the course of the whole conference and I hadn’t gone swimming).  In short, I did not have time to finish anything.  One was definitely a rocker and the other was something akin to Juno Reactor’s The Matrix work, which I have, in the past year or two, become a big fan.

But still, fame persists and my loyal fan base (both of them!) have asked where they can get the playlist for the conference.  I don’t have all of the songs but here are the ones that I remember.

  1. Becoming Insane – Infected Mushroom.  I happened upon them because Rhapsody linked to them from Juno Reactor.  They are an Israeli psytrance band that I’ve grown to like and it turns out that Andi is a big fan.  Therefore it made sense.
  2. Everybody Here is a Cloud – Cloud Cult.  This was the one we played prior to the Cloud panel.  Our sound engineer, John, suggested it and I thought it was totally perfect.  Therefore, it made sense.
  3. Coronal Loop Safari – ME!  This is one of my favorite tunes from my album.  It didn’t make any sense, but we played it anyway.
  4. Rise of Eta Carinae – ME!  John, the sound engineer, suggested this one.  He says that it reminded him of the Exorcist or something like that.  It didn’t make any sense, but we played it anyway.

So there you have it.  If you would like my album (I don’t sell the others) feel free purchase it from any of the places I noted above.  Or, if you are some place where you can’t purchase from there send me $10 via PayPal (I can set up a payment request if you like) I’ll send you a DRM free zip file.

On a personal-ish note, being an independent musician is not something you do for the money.  But if you could plug my album in a blog post, Facebook posting (you could share this, for example) or Twitter (for example, by clicking this link for  iTunes, this link for Rhapsody or this link on CD Baby) I would greatly appreciate it.



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