Remote Debugging with the Zend Debugger and PHPUnit
I’m trying to do some remote debugging with PHPUnit on a remote system. I was following the rules I had written about in a previous article but for some reason I could not get path
I’m trying to do some remote debugging with PHPUnit on a remote system. I was following the rules I had written about in a previous article but for some reason I could not get path
I’m working on some code on the command line that I needed to debug. It’s on a remote machine (well, a VM that doesn’t have a GUI) and so I needed to initiate a
I’m working on an example of mobile detection with the new Zend Framework 1.11 beta that was just released when I came upon an interesting problem. That problem is; how do I debug requests coming in from the mobile phone? The answer is actually relatively easy. I’m doing this using a Zend Framework application, but the concepts that you’ll see here can be used quite easily across any type of framework.
Just a quickie. Do you ever want to debug an RPC call to XML-RPC or Soap or something like that using Zend Studio/PDT and the Zend Debugger? What I mean is debug the RPC call, not the request making the RPC call. Doing that is actually quite simple. I have some code here to share that I recently (as in 5 minutes ago, used).
Debugging is one of the things that every single PHP developer in the world needs to know how to do. Unless you are simply learning the language, learning how to debug will save you countless hours and save you loads of money in anti-anxiety medications. var_dump() or print_r() is not debugging. At least, it’s not debugging in a way that is very useful, or safe.
There are two primary debuggers in the PHP world. XDebug and the Zend Debugger. I am not an expert in XDebug (though I really need to learn it better) so I will leave those discussions to someone else.