by Kevin Schroeder | 12:00 am

Google Analytics feed handling

So there I was, looking at some other websites out there (because I think my site design sucks. Thanks, me). One of the things that virtually no blogs do is promote specific content. In other words, highlight content that is most popular over a certain time frame. So I was thinking to myself, how would I do that? One option would be to have a database table that could record each click. That, however, is boring and requires changes to my DB schema (evil!). What I want to do is take my most popular pages of the last week and highlight them at the top of the web site.

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by Kevin Schroeder | 12:00 am

Why you should be careful with phpinfo

I recently posted an image on why you shouldn’t put phpinfo() calls in your code.

There were a couple of comments from people asking “why not?”

Here’s why not.

Go to Google

Search for inurl:phpinfo

Check out the results

At the time of writing there were 4 pages on the first result page that were broadcasting their settings.

Here’s another fun one. Search for “inurl:phpinfo root”. Lots more.

There’s a bunch of information that you will see.

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