by Kevin Schroeder | 4:32 pm

OpenVPN could connect but did not ping internal network

I’m setting up my internal infrastructure to use OpenVPN since I want to be able to do a lot of monitoring on the Notiffi system I’m working on and I didn’t want to use

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by Kevin Schroeder | 12:00 am

Debug Tunneling

Debugging is one of the things that every single PHP developer in the world needs to know how to do. Unless you are simply learning the language, learning how to debug will save you countless hours and save you loads of money in anti-anxiety medications. var_dump() or print_r() is not debugging. At least, it’s not debugging in a way that is very useful, or safe.

There are two primary debuggers in the PHP world. XDebug and the Zend Debugger. I am not an expert in XDebug (though I really need to learn it better) so I will leave those discussions to someone else.

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