by Kevin Schroeder | 7:36 am

Looking for some PHP/Magento contract work

I am looking for some contract work for PHP and/or Magento. Magento 1 is where my primary focus lies, though I have done work on Magento 2 as well. In terms of the type

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by Kevin Schroeder | 7:02 am

Holiday Prep Load Testing for Magento

With the holiday season coming upon us more quickly than we would like, preparing your site for the holiday season is a required activity. Load testing your Magento installation is a must before your

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by Kevin Schroeder | 12:51 pm

Configuring Jetty to run Magento

Yesterday I wrote a blog post on my surprising finding that Jetty was able to out-perform, or at minimum keep up (depending on how you looked at the numbers), Nginx when it comes to

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by Kevin Schroeder | 3:11 pm

How to examine the reports files for Magento (and not burn your eyes)

I was recently asked by a client for a snippet of Linux CLI that I use to get a summary of Magento reports files under var/reports. I don’t guarantee that this is the best CLI command, but this is what I use

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by Kevin Schroeder | 11:34 am

Configuring MySQL SSL in Magento (to get your HIPAA auditor off your back)

I’ve been asked a few times now if there is a way to use encrypted MySQL connections in Magento. Most of the time it is when merchants are selling medical products and HIPAA requirements come into play. I am not an expert in HIPAA, nor do I want to be, but with the cost of vulnerabilities on the rise it made sense to at least look into it and get a good answer on how to do it.

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by Kevin Schroeder | 8:58 am

How to (properly) harness the Magento EE Full Page Cache (part 2 – application states)

In part 1 we took a look at some of the basics of the Magento EE FPC.  We talked about the general structure and flow of the FPC. In this article we are going

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by Kevin Schroeder | 8:15 am

How to (properly) harness Magento EE’s Full Page Cache (part 1)

TL;DR The Full Page Cache is one of the most important performance features in Magento EE and very few people know how to use it Containers control your content Processors manage containers Knowing containers and processors gets

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by Kevin Schroeder | 8:26 am

Load Testing the Magento Checkout with JMeter (and enjoying it)

Update: I have started offering a new load testing service for Magento. Check it out! Load Testing the Magento checkout is, in theory, difficult.  Well, not so much difficult as time consuming.  It is

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by Kevin Schroeder | 6:14 pm

Reasons why Redis is a great option for a worker queue in Magento

Alan Kent asked on Twitter What is your personal favorite HA distributed queue technology? RabbitMQ? Kafka? Redis? ActiveMQ? Why? — Alan Kent (@akent99) February 4, 2015 You may know that I am partial to

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by Kevin Schroeder | 3:43 pm

What is the last event fired in Magento?


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