by Kevin Schroeder | 4:32 pm

OpenVPN could connect but did not ping internal network

I’m setting up my internal infrastructure to use OpenVPN since I want to be able to do a lot of monitoring on the Notiffi system I’m working on and I didn’t want to use

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by Kevin Schroeder | 12:00 am

Subnet validation with Zend Framework

(Note – I accidentally gave conflicting instructions to the person who runs our newsletter. If you are actually interested in the article I wrote about people being silly about dynamicly typed languages you can go here)

I saw on a StackOverflow posting, someone was asking to see how you could use a Zend Framework validator to tell if an IP address was between two addresses. The individual was trying to use Zend_Validate_Between to do the checking. However, IP addresses generally are not checked between two arbitrary addresses such as between and Instead, the check is usually done to validate an IP address against a subnet.

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