by Kevin Schroeder | 5:20 pm

What is Apdex?

Ever since I started using New Relic I’ve been seeing a number for Apdex.  Given that whenever I see a floating point number I presume that the calculation will be too complex for me

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by Kevin Schroeder | 9:48 am

More – The file system is slow

A while back I wrote one post on how the overhead of logging was so minimal that the performance impact was well worth the benefits of proper logging.  I also wrote another blog post

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by Kevin Schroeder | 10:33 am

Magento Performance on PHP 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5RC3

<update>Magento 1 now supports PHP 5.4</update> I woke up this morning with a burning desire to do load tests.  Actually, I woke up with a burning desire to not do the same thing I

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by Kevin Schroeder | 5:30 pm

Testing GlusterFS for Magento

I am not a fan of NFS for production information.  NFS is great for aggregating data from across multiple different machines, storing deployment files and other such administrative things.  Serving static content?  No.  I

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by Kevin Schroeder | 2:14 pm

For the last time, the file system is not slow!!

Having started working at Magento I have been making myself more familiar with many of the different parts of the community.  I have spent a fair amount of time over the past several weeks

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by Kevin Schroeder | 5:37 pm

No-.htaccess httpd.conf file for Magento

A couple of days ago I wrote a blog post on how why you should not use .htaccess files, or AllowOverride != All, on a production web server.  What you should do is place

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by Kevin Schroeder | 9:28 am

Why you should not use .htaccess (AllowOverride All) in production

Commonly known as .htaccess, AllowOverride is a neat little feature that allows you to tweak the server’s behavior without modifying the configuration file or restarting the server.  Personally, I think this is great for

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by Kevin Schroeder | 5:23 pm

Magento, ESI, Varnish and performance

I have been doing a little playing with Magento over the past couple of days.  I’ve been helping out Ebay/Magento by delivering some of their performance training over the past few months.  I’m by

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by Kevin Schroeder | 9:38 am

Setting max_input_time (with data!)

I asked a question on Twitter on why some of the recommend max_input_time settings seem to be ridiculously large.  Some of the defaults I’ve seen have been upwards of 60 seconds.  However, after thinking

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by Kevin Schroeder | 2:40 pm

Why is FastCGI /w Nginx so much faster than Apache /w mod_php?

I have a new post on using Jetty with PHP-FPM that, if you think this is interesting, you should check that one out. (this post has a sister post on Apache’s event MPM compared to

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