by Kevin Schroeder | 12:00 am

Tapping millions of non-PHP PHP developers. (A manager’s short guide for migrating from Java to PHP)

I was getting ready to post the Powerpoint presentations from my last two user group meetings when I fat-fingered my “My Documents” folder and accidentally opened up a Word doc that had an old article that I had written for a Zend newsletter a while ago. So for this case of serendipity I decided that I would repost this article, which I had written long before I had a blog. The basic premise is that once you get past a few minor differences, an organization can move from Java development to PHP development in a very short amount of time, saving time, money and headaches.

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by Kevin Schroeder | 12:00 am

Introduction to Caffeinated PHP – Using Java to extend PHP

If you are reading that title and thinking “what is that guy smoking?” then you are probably in good company. Developers often make development decisions based off of philosophy. Some developers go the route of “we will decide on the best tool (language) for this individual job” and end up having hundreds of individual tools that they need to end up supporting. Others desire to take a more puritanical approach in saying that “we will only use this one tool (language) for this individual job.” The problem is that the decision is often not as cut and dry as many development philosophies allow.

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